Why Tomb of Horrors is My Favorite Module

One thing I need to clear up, however, is Gary Gygax's disingenuous preface. He states that this is a "thinking person's module" -- in other words, one that challenges player skill more than character ability. In theory this is true, but in practice it's obviously bullshit. No one beats the tomb, no matter how smart they are; everyone dies, usually in the first few rooms. Player skill is as meaningless as character level when you're talking about instant death with no saving throws every step of the way, and the only means of sidestepping annihilation are non-sequiturs. The demi-lich is an instant soul-stealer, and can only be harmed by things you'd never dream of trying: expensive gems thrown by a thief; a low-level shatter spell (go figure); a power word kill, but only if thrown by an astral or ethereal spellcaster; etc. It's as if Gygax was playing Russian Roulette with the Player's Handbook, and pulling random spells and gimmicks from his ass to serve as get-out-of-hell free cards.

"The doors are 14' wide and 28' tall, made of solid mithril, 3' thick, and impregnated with great magicks in order to make them absolutely spell and magic proof. Where the halves meet, at about waist height, is a cup-like depression, a hemispherical concavity, with a central hole. The latter appears to be the keyhole for the second key, but if this is inserted, the character so doing will receive 1-10 points of electrical damage, while the first key will cause double that amount of damage to any so foolish as to insert it. The real key to these gates is the scepter from the throne room behind. If the scepter's gold ball is inserted into the depression, the mithril valves will swing silently open. But if the scepter's silver sphere is touched to the hemispherical cup the holder of the instrument will be teleported instantly and spat out at the devil's mouth at 6. [the tomb's entrance], nude, while all his or her non-living materials go to 33. [the demi-lich's crypt], and the scepter flashes back to the throne."Then come the gallons of cascading blood -- keep in mind that Gygax wrote this before Stanley Kubrick's The Shining -- if the doors are cut by a sharp weapon. It's the blood of all victims who have died in the tomb, and once again, you'd never guess what it takes to stop it from drowning everyone: a levitate spell coagulates the blood (but turns it into a massive ochre jelly) a purify water turns it to gas (but unfortunately poisonous), raise dead or resurrection destroys it (this solution being one of the few without any lethal side effects), etc.

Tomb of Horrors torpedoed my sensibilities like no other gaming product, and I rose from the ash anew. It taught me there were no limits to punishment, and that nihilism has its place in fantasy. It changed my view of gaming, even my view of life. That's why it's my favorite module.
Next up: The Lost City.
Very cool. I kept expecting you to reference survival horror or Lovecraftian cosmic horror. I know a lot of people who went from D&D to Call of Cthulhu. What do you think of Lovecraft?
I never played Call of Cthulhu but I'm sure I would have loved it. One of my library colleagues is a Cthulhu-gamer, and has brought home to me how much I missed out.
Lovecraft of course is great, though I say that more on the basis of his influence on classic D&D than his actual works. (I read only two short stories, Rats in the Walls and Color Out of Space.) And speaking of that influence, there's some in tomorrow's module...
Ciao Loren,
it is a couple of days I have shared the news on my blog: an integral translation of 1978 Tomb of Horror is now available in Italian. In fact, it was some time I had the intention to do something in order to celebrate the 40th anniversary of D&D and my choice fell on the no. 1 ranked on your personal list. Obviously I will not distribute it, as that would be illegal, however this is now done.
None of the latter adaptions (for 3.5 and 4th edition) were, for different reasons, made available in Italian (up to my knowledge, Italian market is small even for standard books, imagine for rpg!)
I wish to share this small achievement with you as your blog has inspired me a lot, renewing my attention for good old modules of the past. It was not a big burden anyway, I enjoyed the reading and I smiled many times while I was translating it.
I will probably try the scenario by the 5 /6th of April , this is when the biggest Con takes place in Italy (http://play-modena.it/). Obviously this is anything big, but I guess it might be a reward also for the commitment you demonstrated writing this good reviews.
Thanks again and regards,
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