Constructing Jesus

"Presenting the fruit of several decades of research, Allison contends that the standard criteria most scholars have employed and continue to employ for constructing the historical Jesus are of little value. His pioneering alternative applies recent findings from cognitive science about human memory to our reading of the Gospels in order to 'construct Jesus' more soundly."Methodologically, the book will challenge the project of John Meier, who relies heavily on the classic criteria to get at the historical Jesus. There are loads of enthusiastic endorsements at Baker Academic, as well as the following table of contents.
1. The General and the Particular: Memories of JesusIt's coming out in November.
2. More Than a Sage: The Eschatology of Jesus
Excursus 1: The Kingdom of God and the World to Come
Excursus 2: The Continuity between John the Baptist and Jesus
3. More Than a Prophet: The Christology of Jesus
4. More Than an Aphorist: The Discourses of Jesus
5. Death and Memory: The Passion of Jesus
6. Memory and Invention: How Much History?
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