The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood

The minimalist setting is a welcome reprieve from the usual noise, involving only four characters besides the Doctor, Amy, and Rory. Our heroes step out onto the Welsh countryside in the year 2020, where they find blue grass, an isolated drilling project, and become fast involved in strange occurrences. Corpses have been disappearing from undisturbed graves, and it doesn't take long to catch on that the body snatching is coming from below the earth. We aren't fully exposed to the underground threat until Cold Blood, which allows The Hungry Earth to breathe and unfold like a Sherlock Holmes mystery, and I'm hard pressed to say which half is more impressive: the first for its haunting graveyard site, or the second for the alien underworld.

And even for the good: The Silurians are complex in their politics, certainly not all warmongers, and enough of them want peace that the Doctor is able to engineer a negotiations session for terms of coexistence. The bargaining table is of course doomed from the start -- abruptly dissolved when it is explained that the Silurian hostage has been killed -- but fascinating for what it reveals about the Doctor's political compass. In contrast to Vampires of Venice, where he refused to allow even one city to save an entire species, and in most cases where his conscience must carry the weight of aliens he destroys on humanity's behalf, here he bends over backwards to put Silurians on the same playing field with homo sapiens. "From their point of view, you're the invaders," he lectures the drillers in exasperation, and he's obviously right.

I can't close this review without mentioning Rory's death, which I didn't see coming by a long shot, especially given the Doctor's repeated insistence that "no one dies here today" (the contrapositive of the Moffat trope, "everyone lives"). Fully expecting an undramatic feel-good climax, I got the rug jerked out from under me not once, but twice, with the murder of the Silurian hostage (which of course ends the peaceful negotiations), and then of all people Rory. Moffat actually had the balls to kill off a TARDIS companion (eat that, Russell Davies), and although I think it's pretty much a guarantee that Rory will be coming back in the finale (with all the Doctor's talk of rewriting time), we haven't been treated to the spectacle of a companion dying since Adric. Amy gets in an emotional performance as the Doctor yells at her to keep Rory alive in her memory, which she is tragically unable to do. The crack in her bedroom wall remains a wildly pervasive menace, and I can only imagine the implications of the TARDIS fragment left in the Doctor's hands as the trailer for the next episode kicks in...
Rating: 3 stars out of 5.
Good analysis, Loren. And bang on the money. 4/5 it is, with Rory's death a really emotional conclusion.
This is getting worrying – it seems all three of us largely agree.
I do like the subversion at the end: you know there's going to be one last "surprise" attack, but as you say, no idea Rory will get it (well at least until the finale!).
I wasn't quite so sure what I was going to think at first, because that drilling down to something nasty is such a cliché, but it had me from the point Amy got sucked into the earth.
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