Remember that gothic rock band from the '80s, who lost their talent in the '90s, and believe it or not are still cranking out the latter-day tripe? Well, I'm sticking with the golden oldies. Here are their ten best songs from the early days, ranked in descending order.
1. Beyond the Pale. 1988. Beyond censure. The band's best song.
2. Garden of Delight (Hereafter Version). 1986. This haunting version completely buries the original.
3. Wasteland. 1986. The band's most emblematic song, and the one that got me hooked.
4. Dance on Glass. 1986. Gothic to the core, evoking brutal fairy tales.
5. Tower of Strength. 1988. The band's most popular and compulsive song.
6. Grapes of Wrath. 1990. It sounds like a national anthem, and damn if it still doesn't give me chills.
7. Sacrilege. 1986. "Toss and turn on a cross to burn." I played this so much in college it was ridiculous.
8. Severina. 1986. A gift from the gods.
9. Kingdom Come. 1988. A catchy, thundering ode to eschatology.
10. Hands Across the Ocean (Palmer Version). 1990. A real earworm, and better than the grating popular version.
No Deliverance in the Top 10?